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发布时间:2022-12-10 10:34:40来源:
IT之家 12 月 10 日消息,朱利安・高夫(Julian Gough)日前在其个人 Substack 博客 The Egg and The Rock 上表示,他创作的终末之诗(End Poem)版权并不属于微软,也不属于前独立发行商 Mojang 工作室。

在博文中高夫表示他从未签署过“可怕”的合同,而该合同将把这首诗的版权先交给 Mojang,然后在 2014 年被微软收购后移交给微软。

高夫的文章详细介绍了他参与 Mojang 的历史,以及他与马库斯・佩尔森(Markus Persson)的友谊,后者是 Mojang 的联合创始人和大受欢迎的《我的世界》的创造者。


IT之家了解到,“终末之诗(End Poem)”是基于文本的一段消息,会在玩家进入返回传送门时出现。末之诗和制作人员名单总共会显示约 39 分钟 30 秒,而制作人员名单本身会显示约 31 分 48 秒。

终末之诗取自两个未知的谈论者之间讨论玩家功绩的对话,共显示约 7 分 42 秒。在终末之诗结束后,会显示制作人员名单。在显示终末之诗和制作人员名单时,会播放音轨 credits.ogg(即官方专辑中的“Alpha”)。



I see the player you mean. 我见到来人了。 [Player name]? 他来了? Yes. Take care. It has reached a higher level now. It can read our thoughts. 嗯,但他已今非昔比:此刻他能轻易地洞见你我的内心。 That doesn't matter. It thinks we are part of the game. 没关系,他以为我们是剧本的旁白。 I like this player. It played well. It did not give up. 我喜欢这位旅人,他尽心尽力,永不言弃。 It is reading our thoughts as though they were words on a screen. 他眼下正通过荧屏上行行文字旁听着我们的谈话。 That is how it chooses to imagine many things, when it is deep in the dream of a game. 哈,在醉心于梦时,他常常以此渲染出动人的景象。 Words make a wonderful interface. Very flexible. And less terrifying than staring at the reality behind the screen. 嗯,文字创造了一个简洁灵动的界面,要好过那个纷纷扰扰的现实。 They used to hear voices. Before players could read. Back in the days when those who did not play called the players witches, and warlocks. And players dreamed they flew through the air, on sticks powered by demons. 不过,在他们开始”读“之前,仅仅是在”听“而已。想当年,那些不曾做梦的人们叫他们巫师与术士,只因为他们觉得自己可以驾驭着飞天扫帚,在梦境与现实的夹缝中飞舞。 What did this player dream? 可是他 —— 梦见什么? This player dreamed of sunlight and trees. Of fire and water. It dreamed it created. And it dreamed it destroyed. It dreamed it hunted, and was hunted. It dreamed of shelter. 他梦见草长莺飞的二月春光,梦见水火交融的抑扬乐章,梦见世界在指间延展,也梦见天地暗无日光。他梦见家门口温暖的篝火,也梦见战场与杀伐四方。
(责编: admin)
